Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pat Hooney, in yer face.
[o]Rigo GonZaleZ.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

dave "the terrorist" salem
fakie kickflip disaster
[o]rigo g.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Robbie "the spaniel" Gosslin.
frontside boneless
[o]russ morland

Brandan "haslamsong" Soros
360 kickflip to backwards
[o]russ morland

Brandan "haslamsong" Soros
frontside kickflip
[o]russ morland

Brandan "haslamsong" Soros
kickflip fakito
[o]russ morland

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Jay Z.
about to smash down on a backside disaster.
[o]Senior Dave.

Dave "the terrorist" Salem.
fakie willy grind.
[o]jay z.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Rigo "speedy" Gonzales.

frontside smith grind.

[o]jay z.

Rigo "speedy" Gonzales.

frontside 5.0 grind.

[o]jay z.

Dave "the terrorist" Salem.

fakie crooks stall

[o]jay z.

Mat "the dreaded one" Howell.
backside flip.
[o]jay z.